Costa Rica is extremely rich in species, yes, he is one of the top 20 countries of the world in terms of biodiversity. The climate and geography of geotropically varied so that different types of species can be supported. There are different types of forests, marshes, beaches, lagoons, and more. Each can earn a few other species of flora and fauna. Although it is not a large country, Costa Rica is home to about 500,000 of the species, with more than 300,000 of them are insects.

Blue Quetzal
The Blue Quetzal, Quetzal is also known as beautiful and legendary in the North and South America, appearing in ancient myths.
Although sometimes called a quetzal blue feathers are iridescent and appear either blue or green, depending on the light.

Adult birds weigh just.2 kg and are slightly more than 25 cm in length.
The man has a long streaming tail measuring up to 76 cm during the breeding season of birds. The long tail is a part of what helps to attract males. Male and female green feathers on their bodies as breasts with red. However, the female is more subdued colors. The males have longer tail feathers are not only the heads and egrets.

These birds are mainly fruit eaters, especially lawyers.
However, they also eat frogs and insects on occasion. They are generally exempt for their own at the coupling as they live in couples or small groups. The best time is in Costa Rica on the ground between December and June To help the protected forests in the country for bird habitat, making it easier for them to live and reproduce. Cane toad or cane toad
In Costa Rica, the giant toad at altitudes up to 1600 m.
It happens to be a nocturnal amphibian is the largest in Costa Rica and one of the largest in the world. Females are larger than males, can be up to 1.3 kilograms and are 90 to 230 mm in length.

Besides its size, it is also observed for triangular with large poison glands on both sides of the neck.
The edges of the head and bones there are warts anywhere on the skin. The toad is brown and olive green to a white belly with brown spots.

It will eat small vertebrates like lizards, frogs and rodents.
If necessary, it will eat the plants, fruit, cat food or dog food. It has even been known to eat small animals like cats.

Adults are much more toxic, with enough venom to kill large animals, although some are still trying.
The toads are also capable of taking this poison on the attackers.

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